October 3, 2014

I've Got the Music in Me

Today's #Blogtober14 post is about the one thing I can't live without. This one was easy as I have one thing integral to my life and happiness - I'd go crazy without music. I'm the kind of person who constantly needs to hear it in the background. I always have Pandora or Spotify running on my phone and it's that not available, I make my own music. Most of the time I don't realize I'm singing or humming until someone points it out. It used to drive my siblings crazy when we'd sit down to do our homework together at the dining room table. 

My parents say I started singing when I was 3 and I haven't stopped since. I was in multiple choirs for 15 years and I've been a church cantor for the last 9. Music has always been a huge part of my life. It's helped me make friends, build my sense of confidence, and process emotions. 
cantoring for my cousin's wedding

One of my favorite quotes is "music is what feelings sound like." I'm convinced that there are songs for every situation. Music enhances every aspect of life. We walk down the aisle to music at weddings and graduations, dance to music at parties and work out with our favorite playlist. What would horror movies be without scary music or rodeos without someone singing about a truck? Hell, even elevators have music. 

People who know me, know I need my music. Music is my life. Music is me.

Make sure you link up with Helene and Taylor!

Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. how awesome is this?! I love it. I wish I was musically talented but I can definitely appreciate it!

  2. Life just wouldn't be the same without music.

    Diana @ life in German.

  3. I love that you included that even elevators have music. Anywhere you go, you can hear it!


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